Maribor, 7. 2. 2018
Independent R&D project from Margento labs
In 2018 Margento R&D department has joined the program called: "INCENTIVES FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS 2", managed by Ministry of Economic Development and Technology.
Within the program, Margento R&D successfully initiated a project called: "VIBESENS - Development of a system for capturing, processing and informing users of critical situations in their surroundings"
Although the project is not directly linked to core portfolio of Margento, it demonstrates capability and commitment of the company and its researchers to corporate social responsibility.
V okviru programa Ministrstva za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo »SPODBUDE ZA RAZISKOVALNO RAZVOJNE PROJEKTE 2« je v letu 2018 podjetje MARGENTO d.o.o. uspešno pridobilo nepovratna sredstva za sofinanciranje projekta z naslovom “VIBESENS - Razvoj sistema za zajemanje, obdelavo in obveščanje uporabnikov o kritičnih situacijah v njihovi okolici”.